
Ancient Technology

Ancient Technology - by Bill Jones.  There ar e numerous examples of past ages whe n  technology was  much  in advance of the probable abilities of the time. I am thinking of advanced  projects  in areas such as South America, Egypt and Turkey.  The  Great  Pyramids in Egypt are a well known example.  Stonehenge  and Machu Picchu are   also well known  example s .  Some  Civilizations had abilities in math and Astronomy that exceeded  the  information that was thought available at the time.  Then the quest ion s  arise as to “how and who”  made this possible.   These were impossible projects for the time.  The “how  and who  ” is  described. As an Engineer the projects described have interested me for some years. It occurred   to me finally that I may very well have a n  explanation for these unbelievable projects. I am a be li ever in God and also a firm believer in Angels.  T he explanation  then is  that Angels provide d  the knowledge for the se   past  ci vilizations  and  the se 

Consciousness And The Trinity

Consciousness and the Trinity -  By Bill Jones. Just finished an article on the Trinity. There are few interested in the subject and those interested will not change their view. It is the same as trying to change the politics of a person but more difficult. Most Church's have the Trinity in their Creed but seldom if ever discuss the Trinity in a sermon. I have never heard a sermon on the Trinity, but that is not a problem.  It is likely that the Catholic Church has Trinity classes as they are considered the Church that defined the Trinity. The Bible describes God as “One” in the Bible. The Father and Son were voted equal at the Nicene Conference in 325ad and the Trinity is the result. The Jews are  certain  that God is One. I suspect that the Trinity is a means to have God “The Father” as One because of the Jewish God is One. The Trinity consist of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One. My thought is that they are really “One” in mindset, and this is clearly true. . The Trinity su

The Trinity Revisited

The Trinity Revisited - by Bill Jones  We know that God is all knowing. Man did not make man. God made the universe. God knows all that we do not know. We have the Bible and it tells us how to worship God. We translate words to mean what we think, but God knows their meaning. Eusebius of was a Greek Bishop who differed in opinion from Arius. This was the Basis of the 325ad Nicene Conference, i.e. to decide who was correct. Eusebius declared that Jesus Christ was equal to the Father.  The final vote was in agreement. The Father and Son were Defined by vote to be Equal. The actual Trinity definition varies with the Church and is substantial. The Greek translation for the word “One” is a number. The translation in Hebrew is the word “Unique.” The actual Bible was translated by what we would refer to as the Catholic Church The translation was Roman. The Romans spoke Greek.  Only God is all knowing and thus how is it possible for man to define what or who God really is or how a word is tra

Consciousness - 1

Consciousness-1 by Bill Jones:  There is no questioning that some people enter your life at the exact time of need - for your benefit. This has happened to you. It has happened to me. You had a need and it was fulfilled. It appeared to be a casual accident and you thought little of it at the time. But it changed your life. This was caused by Consciousness.  Consciousness is powerful in ways that are difficult to understand. Many words have been used to explain or define Consciousness but a good definition may never be available. My definition of Consciousness would be slanted toward my interest in communications.  Consciousness provides us with a function that “may” provide communication and also problems. The communication is of a complex nature. I think that it is instantaneous. It is faster than the speed of light. I believe that Consciousness is fundamental and that it will have no explanations as in a mathematical expression. While I may call Consciousness a wave function, it ma


Consciousness  2 by Bill Jones Examination of previous thoughts may require some explanation. The article concerning Consciousness was not actually intended to explain Consciousness but some of the qualities were discussed to show its inportance. Consciousness is much more than the ability to know that one knows.   The paper was intended to show a phenomenia that allows us to communicate with God. The note then brings up an important question. That is, when we pray we may only use thought, the question in mind is then – how is it possible for God to hear thought. By what means is this phenominia possible. The answer is because of Consciousness. The means of communication was suggested to be the use of the electron spin.   A single electron of course would not suffice but would require a numher of electrons to provide transmission of thought. A single electron would allow digital data transmission but thought would require more than one electron. Transmission of information is in theory

All About Bill Jones

William H. (Bill) Jones Biography: I am a scientist in the area of Electrical Engineering, having worked in research and Advanced Development for my entire career. I have worked for companies such as General Electric and Honeywell, and startup companies in Silicon Valley, California. I have designed and built numerous systems both military and commercial. I have designed advanced communications for voice and data. I worked directly with the inventor of the "Costas Loop" for ten years. I designed one of the first "over the horizon" radar systems using Doppler techniques. I worked over fifteen years in the design of computer hard disc drives in the area of read/write. I have ten patents in my areas of engineering. My first patent "W.H. Jones ET AL", Number 2,951,980 was with Dr. J.P.Costas. The patent was used in the first I/Q receiver that was built (AN-FRR-48 XW1). My design work has been from low frequency to high frequency. I am a Professional Engineer

The Bible, The God and A God

The Bible has been around for some years. The Hebrew Bible was canonized around 165 BC and the New Testament about year 400. The Bible has a number of discrepancies that are often pointed out by non-believers in God or Jesus Christ. Believers prefer to use the word Problems instead of Discrepancies. It has taken years to write the Bible and it is suggested that these discrepancies were really just problems and would eventually be corrected, if not by man, then God. I know missionaries that spent over ten years writing a Bible for those that use a language where no Bible had been written. The authors of the new Bible noted the problems (discrepancies) but understood that the problems had to be included as they were in the original Bible. This is to say that most non-believers have not spent a great amount of time noting the problems that they call discrepancies. Many non-believers tend to feel that they are perhaps among the first to note the problems. They are not. The problems are dis

The Trinity

The Trinity by Bill Jones   If you do not believe in the Trinity then some will say that you are not saved. The Bible does not mention the Trinity, but the Bible says that if you believe in Jesus Christ then you are saved. The Trinity is a concept of man. But, the Trinity has great following. A majority of Churches have the Trinity in their Creed. The Trinity may be considered Biblical but is inferred by man.   The Nicene creed was held in the year 325 ad. The Nicene Creed was voted on by man and states that Jesus Christ is equal to God the Father. This was voted on by about 300 Bishops and probably allowed the Trinity to be accepted.   There are several Apostles Creeds that are the words of man. The words are the general beliefs of the Church. The words are not from the Apostles.   The Catholic Church has over a billion members. It is a mainstream Church. The Catholic Church accepts the Trinity. The Catholic Church claims to be the one true Church and this is in the Church Creed.   Yo

Automatic Gain Control.

There have been many ways to control the gain of radios over the years and will discuss several of the important ways starting close to the beginning of the AC radio.  While I may not cover all of the ways used for control but will cover the important ways and will discuss some of the reasons for their use.I plan to cover the 1920’s to at least to the present day volume control plus AGC (Automatic Gain Control) gain control – this would be the last of the tube radios. I plan to provide a simple but accurate analysis of the automatic gain control.  Another proper name for AGC is AVC, or Automatic Volume Control, but here we will generally use the term Automatic Gain Control. To be accurate I believe that the term Automatic Volume Control is a more proper name if you are interested in marketing. I tend to use th?e term AGC, but the terms are used interchangeably.  I have never seen the AGC analyzed before. The analysis can be very tedious without some simplifying assumptions. I have made

Variable Capacitor Analysis.

Variable Capacitor Analysis   Bill Jones The capacitor to be analyzed is shown in Figure one. It is desired to find the capacitance C (A+B) and how it varies with respect to d.                                                                         Figure one shows two capacitors. For our analysis they will be connected in parallel.  The stators are separated by a distance x and the distance d is from stator A to the rotor. We are interested in the total capacitance C (A+B). The rotor thickness is negligible for our purpose. We normalize for simplicity.          A=area in cm. squared. K=1 (dielectric constant).  d=distance in cm.  C in pf.      We set x=1 and P=1 for simplicity since we are not interested in the absolute value. This will give equation2. A plot of the equation is shown in Figure 2.  If we imagine the rotor plate to be perfectly centered at d=0.5, the capacitance is a minimum value.  If d varies in either direction from d=0.5 the capacitance increas