About Me
About Me - William Haywood Jones I am a scientist in the area of Electrical Engineering, having worked in research and Advanced Development for my entire career. I have worked for companies such as General Electric and Honeywell, and startup companies in Silicon Valley, California. I have designed and built numerous systems both military and commercial. I have designed advanced communications for voice and data. I worked directly with the inventor of the "Costas Loop" for ten years. I designed one of the first "over the horizon" radar systems using Doppler techniques. I worked over fifteen years in the design of computer hard disc drives in the area of read/write. I have ten patents in my areas of engineering. My first patent "W.H. Jones ET AL", Number 2,951,980 was with Dr. J.P.Costas. The patent was used in the first I/Q receiver that was built (AN-FRR-48 XW1). My design work has been from low frequency to high frequency. I am a Professional Enginee...