Repair Your AC/DC Tube Radio
By Bill Jones. This article will allow you to repair a number of radios if you are inclined to follow the steps given here. While the discussion will be centered mainly on the five and six tube AC/DC radio much of the discussion applies to the transformer radio. Included in this article will be the necessary minimum equipment required. It is necessary to find the parts needed, and this will be discussed. The bare equipment required is a Volt-Ohm Meter (VOM) along with a good soldering iron. The digital meter is great since it is accurate, and difficult to burn out. I use a Fluke meter and highly recommend it. I also have a good Volt Ohm meter. I find a Vacuum Tube Volt meter most useful. You need means for getting tube data sheets. You may require two irons if you intend to work on the transformer sets. One iron should be a 500 watt iron (for transformer radios), and another smaller iron. I would suggest a 40 watt iron. The older AC sets often had components ...