Ancient Technology

Ancient Technology - by Bill Jones. There are numerous examples of past ages whetechnology was much in advance of the probable abilities of the time. I am thinking of advanced projects in areas such as South America, Egypt and Turkey. The Great Pyramids in Egypt are a well known example. Stonehenge and Machu Picchu are also well known examplesSome Civilizations had abilities in math and Astronomy that exceeded the information that was thought available at the time. Then the questions arise as to “how and who” made this possible. These were impossible projects for the time. The “how and who ” is described.

As an Engineer the projects described have interested me for some years. It occurred to me finally that I may very well have aexplanation for these unbelievable projects. I am a believer in God and also a firm believer in Angels. The explanation then is that Angels providethe knowledge for these past civilizations and these advanced projects. Angels have this information and also have great abilities. They are a helpful group that are available to those in need. They desire to help those who are interested in appropriate projects. And they know who the people are. There is little question regarding the help that the deserving people of this world have received. Angels have provided much information and help over the ages. Angels are the “who and how” that have helped us in past ages.

Some civilizations that received this help have been lost mostly because they became undeserving. God will not tolerate such nations for long.

The USA produced the James Webb Telescope. The project had a very low probability of success. Had it been possible to build a hundred of the telescopes it is thought that perhaps a few may have workedBut the cost of a single telescope was about 10 billion dollars. Its is difficult to believe that it was ever tried at the time. While the problems were well known and the project was well managed, success was questioned and the project was almost canceled. The telescope had to put itself together in space – alone. do suspect that Angels somehow provided help in the project. It has been unbelievably successful and continues to amaze. I think that God wanted the world to see some of what He has done and I suspect that Angels did help. The Telescope will show the world what God did and what NASA has done.


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