The Trinity Revisited

The Trinity Revisited - by Bill Jones 

We know that God is all knowing. Man did not make man. God made the universe. God knows all that we do not know. We have the Bible and it tells us how to worship God. We translate words to mean what we think, but God knows their meaning.

Eusebius of was a Greek Bishop who differed in opinion from Arius. This was the Basis of the 325ad Nicene Conference, i.e. to decide who was correct. Eusebius declared that Jesus Christ was equal to the Father. 

The final vote was in agreement. The Father and Son were Defined by vote to be Equal. The actual Trinity definition varies with the Church and is substantial. The Greek translation for the word “One” is a number. The translation in Hebrew is the word “Unique.” The actual Bible was translated by what we would refer to as the Catholic Church The translation was Roman. The Romans spoke Greek. 

Only God is all knowing and thus how is it possible for man to define what or who God really is or how a word is translated? This is to say – the Trinity is incorrect if the translation is incorrect and it would appear to be incorrect. The Trinity is quite complicated and requires study. The complicated way is often not correct. To define God and the His Son equal by vote is not correct. 

Those of the Nicene Conference had no Bible. They had no knowledge that God communicated with those in the Bible. God spoke to many in the Bible, For example, He had to give Jesus Christ instructions on where and when to meet Moses and Elijah. Jesus taught The Gospel because He had instructions. That is to say that God talked with His Son while He was on this earth. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. The Trinity teaches the Bible, but it leaves out verses that tell us not to teach words not in the the Bible. The words “Trinity for Salvation” are not in the Bible. Standards for teachers are strict. We Teach the Gospel even in funerals. Billy Sunday spoke the Gospel for millions after WW1. At that time people knew the meaning of life. They looked for Salvation. Shortly after WW2 Billy Graham spoke the Gospel for millions as people knew the meaning of life and they looked for Salvation. Salvation is the Gospel. 

Oneness for Salvation is not in the Bible. It is ill-advised for man to try to Define God. God is all knowing, He made the Universe. He made Man. Man Cannot Define his Maker.


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