Consciousness And The Trinity

Consciousness and the Trinity - By Bill Jones.Just finished an article on the Trinity. There are few interested in the subject and those interested will not change their view. It is the same as trying to change the politics of a person but more difficult. Most Church's have the Trinity in their Creed but seldom if ever discuss the Trinity in a sermon. I have never heard a sermon on the Trinity, but that is not a problem. 

It is likely that the Catholic Church has Trinity classes as they are considered the Church that defined the Trinity. The Bible describes God as “One” in the Bible. The Father and Son were voted equal at the Nicene Conference in 325ad and the Trinity is the result. The Jews are certain that God is One. I suspect that the Trinity is a means to have God “The Father” as One because of the Jewish God is One. The Trinity consist of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One. My thought is that they are really “One” in mindset, and this is clearly true. .

The Trinity subject is complicated because there are verses in the Bible that reject the Trinity. The Church has found that there are ways to story around these difficulties. Finally the Church suggests that the Trinity teaches the Bible.

There are a few that have a concern about the subject but to discuss the subject with a group that is quite well to do with property and members all over the world is hopeless. The Trinity is a great story with success.

I became interested in the Consciousness subject because of my interest in religion and as a Communications Engineer. I know that there is an undefined means of Communications between people. This has been known for years but it is not a useful means of communication. The importance has not been understood. The Communication means is there but little thought as to why or how. It never concerned me. I became interested in Consciousness and wrote articles regarding Consciousness. I finally realized that our Consciousness was the means for Communication with God. The Communication means being instantaneous. Impossible? Read my Blog on “Consciousness 1." 

My interest in Consciousness got me into the Trinity world and I wrote several articles concerning the Trinity. The Trinity defines God as a plural of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and my belief is that Man cannot define his Maker. I think God is one in mindset, i.e. the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Blog was originally started to give Communication Engineers information on a Famous Communication Engineer regarding his work and his person. 

You will find “Communications 1” on this Blog and the address is


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